Does anybody really care that it’s been hard for Roger Federer to watch Tiger struggle over the past couple years? I just don’t see how this is news on any level. If Roger wants to write a blog post about it and send it to – we’ll gladly run it. But the fact that they spoke on the phone and it’s been hard on him — please. Find better stories.

I still don’t have a sense of how good Charl Schwartzel is going to be for the long haul. He’s greatness – one green jacket will ensure that. But do you ever hear his name and think – that guy’s one of the best. I don’t yet. He did get hot yesterday though.

I don’t think guys should be allowed to use belly putters on tour. That’s an opinion that will never change. Sorry Phil. Sorry Adam. Sorry Vijay.

I love what Jack Nicklaus is doing – trying to get more people to play golf by hosting 12-hole events with slightly larger holes. We need to continue to introduce the game to new people. I’ve always thought it would be just fine if golf was 14 holes. It takes a lot of time to play 18 holes on a weekend for your average duff.

That’s all I got. I’m tired this morning. Maybe Federer can call me and ask me how it’s going…

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