Now that I’ve had my Iphone for almost a year (after fighting the smart phone mania for many years), I must admit it is one of the coolest things I have ever owned.  As a phone it is no better or worse than any other phones I’ve owned, but, the apps.  That’s where the rubber meets the road. 

I already have a fair amount of fun apps loaded, but, now it is time to get serious.  Yes, I’m talking a golf GPS app.  I managed to get out to Arrowhead yesterday and I had a demo golf GPS app that allowed me to use it for two holes.  I am certainly not against technology advancements, but, I usually draw the line between purposeful stuff and things are too gimmicky for my tastes.  Yet, after using the golf app for two holes, I thought, ‘Now this is something I just may really like.’

Do I think it will make me a better golfer? Probably not,  but, it sure will take the guess work out of club selection which should ultimately count for something and it really seems like a waste of time to have the phone and not avail myself of its possibilities. 

So, I am fairly certain that I will take the plunge.  With that in mind I did some research which resulted in more confusion than clarification.  There are a lot of apps with a wide range of prices and a ton of complimentary and competing features.  I have to admit, after and hour or so, I started to re-think the idea.  But, I will soldier on and make a decision.  If anyone has any personal preferences please post them.  At this stage all opinions will be gladly welcomed.

So, until the quest is completed, I will press on and hopefully sometime down the road, I will be able to report back on my choice.

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