As I’m looking out my window at another soggy, gloomy day and wondering if there will be a golf season at all, I thought I’d compile a list of the things I have been doing to fill the time I would normally spend on the golf course.  I have to say that not playing golf has been quite productive.  So, without further ado, here is my Top Ten List:

#10 – Naming and then alphabetizing all of the socks in my sock drawer.

#9 – When I go to the grocery store, I buy one item and then take it out to my car and then return for the next item.  I do this until I have completed my shopping list.

#8 – Dress up in dirty, grungy clothes and go mall-walking and watch as people literally jump out of the way as I approach them.

#7 – Post a ‘thumbs down’ comment to every post of everyone I know on Facebook.

#6 – Doing a geneology chart for every cast member of ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’.

#5 – Compiling a list of all of the words that rhyme with ‘Moby Dick’.

#4 – Organizing a write-in campaign to get ‘WKRP in Cincinnati’ released on DVD.

#3 – Berlitz Flemish!

#2 – Noting the number of times I can count forwards and backwards to 100 in an hour.

#1 – Repeating to myself, ‘Buffalo is  great place to live’, ‘Buffalo is  great place to live’, ‘Buffalo is  great place to live’…

Who needs golf.  My life is full and wonderful!!!!!

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