Now that spring is officially upon us, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on (unquestionably) the best winter of golf ever in WNY:

Except for the few folks who head south for the winter, most golfers always complain about ‘knocking’ the rust off when the typical WNY golf season starts.  I believe this excuse has been definitively put to bed this year.

Will a return to a ‘typical’ winter next year seem like the cruelest joke of all time?

Is it possible to be ‘golfed-out’ by mid-March?

If you booked a southern golf vacation this week, I suggest that you refrain from buying lottery tickets.

Is it just me or do most people feel we are living in an altered reality?

My ‘golf swearing’ is already in mid-season form.

I very well may run out of sun screen by the end of tax season.

And finally, so this is what it feels like to not live in Buffalo in the winter.

May all your drives be long and your putts short!

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