Notes from the Chevron

Some random thoughts while watching the Chevron World Challenge: Is it me or is the name of this event just awful? Love him or hate him, when Tiger is in contention, the drama meter is pegged.  From the announcers to the fans to the look on the faces of the players,...

Stolen Holes: December

The Links at Ivy Ridge is less than a decade old, but it fits like forever. The golf course is rugged, in a way that lets it glow on a March, July or December day, as it did today. The Scrambler, Coil and I snuck out for 18 holes in under four hours, stealing some...

Tiger Wins Again

Major championship? Nope. Regular tour event? Nope. Big-time victory? Yep. Tiger Woods took the lead at the Chevron on the back nine at Sherwood with birdies on 10 and 11, gave it back to Zach Johnson over the next few holes, then finished the field off with birdies...

Gifts Keep Coming

The weather must know it’s the holiday season as it keeps pouring out gifts for golfers in Western New York. I checked my e-mail last night while taking in a college basketball game and saw Concord Crest Golf Course would be open today. Duffs and sticks alike who are...

Tiger On The Growl At Chevron

We took a trip once, a winding route through back-country roads. One of the children created a “chevron system” to measure the depth of a curse. Very steep ones were “8 chevron curves.” This week, I’m thinking that Tiger Woods might be an...

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