Ball Positioning For Proper Contact & Flight

If you consistently make good wedge swings with no slide and no significant collapsing of your hands and wrists, the bottom of your swing will occur at a spot about two inches forward of the center of your stance. To verify this low point take a swing and see where...

Porter Cup Media Day

Recently, I had the opportunity (thanks, Mo) to attend the Porter Cup Media Day at Niagara Falls CC.  First, let me say that this was a class act put on by a class organization. After a nice buffet lunch on the patio overlooking the Niagara Escarpment (a truly...

The Sandbagger

Sandbag – a bag filled with sand used in fortification.  To deceive someone about one’s capabilities. Does  any sport  toss the word sandbagger around more than golf?  It seems like every time someone shoots an unusually low score or has a great hole, they...

We are how we golf

Fourteen of the past 17 presidents of the US have golfed to some degree of frequency and ability while performing their presidential duties.  The only non-golfers were Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter.  While the golfing presidents have often been chided...

Why we love Rory

As Rory McIlroy triumphantly trod the fairways and greens of The Congressional CC where the US Open was palyed last week, chants of  ‘Lets go, Rory. Let’s go Rory’  resounded throughout the course.  This spontaneous outbreak started me thinking about...

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