St. Patrick’s Day Musings….

Quick thoughts on this day that celebrates the Irish…. ~ If anyone deserves a great day on St. Patricks Day that might propel him to a win, it’s Padraig Harrington. Paddy’s irish heart is always evident as he wears it on his sleeve all the time....

#7 At SBU

I don’t have enough toes and fingers to count the times I’ve played the 9-hole track at St. Bonaventure University. I played the course as a young boy who grew up in the area and also as a student at the university. The SBU course has character. During a...

Operation Don’t Suck – 2012

Harvest Hill emailed me yesterday, they’ll be open March 15 for golf. I guess the new season is approaching fast. If you followed the blog last year you know I made it a mission of mine to improve as a golfer. I called that Mission, “Operation Don’t...

HE SAID, he said – Private vs. Public golf?

Mo Golf… It begins with a quick lurch into the lot, a reach into the trunk, a wave to the starter and a “whatever” to my three buddies who’ve been waiting at least five minutes to tee off. That’s one way of looking at it. Another is, I...

Westwood and McIlroy: Friendship, Experience and Golf

Lee Westwood must look at Rory McIlroy with a bit of envy every once in a while. Two decades ago, Westwood was a young talent with nothing but possibilities in front of him. The fact that he now stands in the latter stages of his career with no major championship...

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